Should You Choose Paid Personal Web Hosting Services Over Free Ones?

Simplifying the complex technicality, web hosting basically a place where an individual or business owners can store their information so that it could be accessed from anywhere in the world using the World Wide Web. There are thousands of personal web hosting services providers in this world and you can choose any of them to host your website. Just make sure the one you are choosing is reliable, offers great services, and provides round the clock support. After all, you are paying them. Web hosting can be both paid and unpaid. There are many websites that offer free web hosting services. Now, the question is do you really need a paid web hosting service? Well, the answer is yes and here is why: Uptime Reliability: While free hosting service providers do not give you a guarantee for uptime, most of the paid ones offer 99.999% uptime. Nobody wants his/her website to be down and by choosing the paid ones, you will ensure uptime reliability. Speed: If your web...